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Economic Impact of Hunting in
New Mexico
For: New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
July 31, 2014
Southwick Associates
Fish And Wildlife Economics And Statistics
New Mexico’s Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF) commissioned a study of fishing, hunting and trapping to estimate county-level and statewide activity and to determine the contribution that fishing, hunting, and trapping activity make to the state’s economy. Drawing from license sales records and survey-based data sources, this report presents economic contributions based on retail spending in New Mexico attributable to recreational fishing, hunting, and trapping in the state. The study also quantifies the total economic contributions for each county and presents results for selected species to estimate their individual share of the total economic contribution of hunting.
This study was undertaken to quantify the total economic contributions of fishing, hunting, and trapping in New Mexico in 2013. Statewide and county-level contributions associated with each of these three activities were estimated. Several sub-categories of recreational hunting based upon species hunted were analyzed to determine their individual share of the total economic contribution of hunting.
An electronic online survey was conducted in April and May of 2014. The target audience for the survey was developed using historical license sales data provided by New Mexico’s Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF) and included all persons who purchased a license between April 1, 2012 and January 16, 2014 and whose license record included an email address.
According to Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. New Mexico's 304,000 hunters and recreational anglers spend $579 million annually and support 7,695 jobs. Working with CSF in a coordinated effort to protect and promote the sportsmen’s traditions in New Mexico are members of the New Mexico Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus.
As stated in an article written by Kerrie C. Romero published on Hunting is currently the second highest grossing recreational industry in the state shadowed, only slightly, by the New Mexico ski industry.
NM Economic Statistics
Hunters Role in Conservation
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