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Sportsmen's Role in Conservation

The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is a set of principles that, collectively applied, has led to the form, function, and successes of wildlife conservation and management in the United States and Canada.

  1. Wildlife is a public resource. In the Unites States, wildlife is considered a public resource, independent of the land or water where wildlife may live. Government at various levels have a role in managing that resource on behalf of all citizens and to ensure the long-term sustainability of wildlife populations.                                                                                 

  2. Markets for game are eliminated Before wildlife protection laws were enacted, commercial operations decimated populations of many species. Making it illegal to buy and sell meat and parts of game and nongame species removed a huge threat to the survival of those species. A market in furbearers continues as a highly regulated activity, often to manage invasive wildlife.                                                                                                                                                                  

  3. Allocation of wildlife by law. Wildlife is a public resource managed by government. As a result, access to wildlife for hunting is through legal mechanisms such as set hunting seasons, bag limits, license requirements, etc.                             

  4. Wildlife can only be killed for a legitimate purpose. Wildlife is a shared resource that must not be wasted. The law prohibits killing wildlife for frivolous reasons.                                                                                                                                 

  5. Wildlife species are considered an international resource. Some species, such as migratory birds, cross national boundaries. Treaties such as the Migratory Bird Treaty and CITES recognize a shared responsibility to manage these species across national boundaries.                                                                                                                                                

  6. Science is the proper tool for discharge of wildlife policy. In order to manage wildlife as a shared resource fairly, objectively, and knowledgeably, decisions must be based on sound science such as annual waterfowl population surveys and the work of professional wildlife biologists.                                                                                                               

  7. The democracy of hunting. In keeping with democratic principles, government allocates access to wildlife without regard for wealth, prestige, or land ownership.


 A Statement of Accounts by Dallas Safari Club New Mexico 

As our way of life becomes more imperiled daily by the environmentalists, the progressive left, and some disingenuous sportsmen’s groups, who continue to spread ½ truths, twisted facts, and outright lies; sportsmen continue to remain complacent and continue to sit on their hands waiting for the “Other Guy” to do something about the threats and uncertainty that affect every sportsmen and woman

in America today.

DSCNM has made a commitment to take a stand, in accordance with our Mission Statement, armed with the “Whole Truth” and correct, current data that will be published on our website. Freely and easily available with links to verify the accuracy of any and all of the facts and data presented, so there can be no question of having declared an opinion or belief construed as fact.

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” That sentiment is so true for much of the sportsmen and outdoor community. The attacks come in the form of direct infringement on Sportsmen’s rights, such as the trapping bans passed in many states and legislation like Oregon’s

IP-13, and proposals like the DoI’s WSA21-01 which would close about 60 million acres to “sport hunters”, limiting or denying access to traditional hunting and fishing areas.

Leaders in the DSC community are stepping up to draw a line in the sand against a continuing bombardment of encroachments against a way of life many of us hold dear. A “CALL TO ACTION” has been issued to every DSC member and sportsmen in the country and abroad. And as we fight some battles abroad, remember the opposition is working skillfully and quietly to curtail our freedoms at home as well. This will continue until sportsmen and women decide to participate in the preservation of their own liberty. Volunteers are the foot soldiers in this battle and the backbone of our Chapter. The time is NOW to join the fight, lend your support financially or through In-Kind donations.

DSCNM has and will continue to host Online drawings, auctions, and raffles, those held in 2021 have provided DSCNM with the financial base to get the ball rolling but that is just a fraction of what will be needed. DSCNM cannot win this battle or even hold the line without support. Please visit the website,, for tickets and information on the drawings and other events that help fund this mission. Make no mistake, this fight is going to take a huge amount of effort and financial resources. Anti-hunting groups are well organized fund raisers with a considerable head start, many have annual budgets in the millions and tens of millions. DSCNM needs your help to mount and execute an effective strategy. DSCNM is in the midst of hiring staff, renovating the website, and expanding our office facilities, laying the groundwork for the mammoth task of sorting and compiling data, funding and or performing research, fact checking and posting information on the website.

Don’t be the person that stands on the street corner, sits in the coffee shop, or leans on the fence post sometime in the not too distant future and says “I can’t believe that I can’t go hunting anymore” then upon reflection realize that you had the opportunity to act but were complacent and waited for the   “Other Person” to do something.

Thank You

DSCNM Board of Directors.

Cody Hudson

Anthony Madrid

Lesslie Noack

Robert Espinoza Sr

Chief Operating Officer


Dallas Safari Club New Mexico’s Mission Statement

To advocate, educate, preserve and protect the interest and rights of New Mexico hunters and outdoor enthusiasts, through education of our youth and general public about conservation of our lands and wildlife, which will ensure that future generations will continue to enjoy our way of life,

wildlife and the outdoors.

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DSC New Mexico    |    PO Box 5307    |    Farmington, NM 87499    |

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